Ship your SaaS Product
10X faster! A Nuxt SaaS Starter.

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a very lazy king who spent all day lounging on his throne. One day, his advisors came to him with a problem: the kingdom was running out of money.

$ git clone
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm db:setup
$ pnpm db:migrate
$ pnpm db:seed
$ pnpm dev 🎉

Pricing Plans

Choose a plan that fits your needs.

Free Plan

  • One Project
  • Limited Designs
  • Basic Settings

Pro Plan

Go Pro
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited API calls
  • Advanced Project Settings
  • Priority Support
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The product can personalize user experiences by understanding individual preferences and tailoring recommendations or content based on user behavior and historical data.

Next.js 13

App dir, Routing, Layouts, Loading UI and API routes.

React 18

Server and Client Components. Use hook.


ORM using Prisma and deployed on PlanetScale.


UI components built using Radix UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.


Authentication using NextAuth.js and middlewares.


Free and paid subscriptions using Stripe.